TREADLE Lightly – ANWG 2017, NW Weavers’ Conference

TreadleLightly#4 Cropped


Well the big weekend has finally arrived!

ANWG 2017, July 3 at the University of Victoria!

The “Teddy Bear Picnic Blanket Project” is about to be put on display for all the world to see, and Lynda, in her special indigo bonnet, can hardly wait to get started with setting up our Guild booth display.





The set up crew…Barby, Lynda, Marjorie Ann, Doreen and Merrily ( taking the picture) is soon in full swing sorting, arranging, rearranging, hanging and rehanging all the beautiful items made from Sunshine Coast Fibreshed animals by members of the Sunshine Coast Spinners & Weavers Guild.





The Teddy Bear Picnic Blanket in all its glory!







Gorgeous hand spun, woven, felted, hooked, dyed, and knit items, all with Fibreshed materials, were the order of the day!








Doreen’s Fibreshed  wrap was  exhibited in the juried show.








A wonderful,  happy  way to celebrate the end of a year of fibre fun,  and coming together!

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