Sunshine Coast Spinners and Weavers Fibres Plus Sale 2013

Every November members of the Sunshine Coast Spinners and Weavers Guild invite the community to join them for their annual sale.  Visitors can admire and purchase handmade items made by Guild members and enjoy and participate in demonstrations and displays.


All items for the sale are juried to ensure that they meet Guild standards.


Visitors are treated to a wonderful diversity of hand spun, woven, knitted and felted items.  Many go away with Christmas gifts for family and friends.


Yvonne from FibreWorks Studio & Gallery displays and spins bouquets of home dyed, local alpaca.


Our upstairs venue holds interactive demonstrations and displays. This year Eleanor and Dianne gave lessons in Kumihimo, a Japanese form of braid-making.  Participants were able to take their project home.


Lynda demonstrated spinning with a drop spindle.


Andrea teased some crimpy locks.


There was a finger knitting demo by our Guild’s youngest members, Erin and Kayla. We welcome the next generation!


Deanna staffed a display on the Sunshine Coast Fibreshed which she registered as part of the celebration of our Guild’s 25 year anniversary and which is now a project of our Guild.  Our Fibreshed seeks to build an interactive relationship among skilled fibre artisans, spinners, dyers, and fibre suppliers along the 100 miles of coastline and offshore islands from Langdale to Lund.  Our Fibreshed was inspired by and is associated with the California Fibreshed project of Rebecca Burgess.


Sechelt First Nations shared traditional cedar weaving and made baskets, hats and flowers.


Lucy from the Sechelt Indian Band wove a Salish tunic in traditional pattern and colours.


There was a display of fibre, fabric and paper dyed with plants gathered from the dyers’ gardens.


Over 60 guests and members enjoyed weaving at the scarf demonstration.  Two lucky guests won a scarf!


The winners were thrilled with the beautiful finished scarves.


It was a satisfying, successful sale thanks to Guild members, guest artists and First Nations Weavers who all shared their creations and time. Thanks everyone for being so generous.

By Lynda

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