Doreen MacLauchlan
email: doreenmacl46@gmail.com
Doreen MacLauchlan of Gibsons, BC, is a Life Member of the Sunshine Coast Spinners and Weavers Guild. She learned to knit in Brownies at age 8 and has never stopped playing with fibre. She is a spinner, weaver, knitter, and occasional dyer, and loves to share her passion for fibres with others. A retired community health nurse, she is an experienced teacher and enjoys working with children and adults in any setting.
Her most recent interests include support for the Sunshine Coast Fibreshed and the concepts of local fibres, local dyes, and local labour. Her first Fibreshed project was a handspun, handwoven scarf in natural colours. The grey, tweedy wool is Shetland lamb from Windy Hill Farm in Deroche (the broader BC Fibreshed), and the white alpaca is from Thormanby Island near Sechelt, BC.