Earth Day at Roberts Creek

On April 26th Earth Day was celebrated at the Roberts Creek mandala for the 26th year in a row.


This is an event that celebrates the Earth and the vibrant Sunshine Coast community and offers an opportunity for local environmental and community groups to share their message.



We set off at 8:30 to put up the Fibreshed display.  The first job was to set up Lynda’s canopy.


Then we arranged all the lovely Icelandic fleece, naturally dyed local fibre, Olivia’s shawls, felted bird houses and Fibreshed signs.  We were quite delighted with the beautiful green glow over the display provided by the overhanging tarp.  We thought this was quite appropriate for Earth Day.


We had jars of pansies and arbutus bark brewing in the sun and samples of seasonal plant material to dye with such as lilacs, camellia petals, and grass.  It was fun having conversations about Rebecca Burgess’s origins of the Fibershed in California.  Many were particularly interested in this picture of her beautiful felted raincoat – from local fibre of course.


Lynda carded Roxy’s soft undercoat which fascinated the children and parents alike.  Lots of little kids were interested in the alpaca and of course that opened up an opportunity to talk about local breeders, show pictures, name the animals, etc.  We gave out little samples of the super soft rolag Merrily was spinning on her wheel and the kids loved it!


Merrily modelled her “Roxy” slouch hat which she spun from Roxy’s first shearing and Virginia designed and knit.  It is the first garment in her “Farm Fresh Fashion” project which she hopes to finish in a year.  Hopefully she will have a complete outfit from inner to outer, made from local fibre and designed and knit all locally.  Here she is spinning some super soft local alpaca for a camisole.  The kids at Earth Day loved the softness and warmth of the alpaca and so she gave out lots of little samples.  They were excited to see photos of Oscar and Bessie (alpacas from Thormanby Island).


There was a lot of interest in who we are, what we’re doing and the whole Fibreshed movement. Guild members dropped by, local folk engaged and future events wanted us to join in.  It was a wonderful, fulfilling day.  Thanks to all who stopped by.

Lynda D and Merrily

One thought on “Earth Day at Roberts Creek

  1. What a beautiful way to spend Earth Day !! Merrily & Linda – you put on a terrific display; rich in colour, texture, information & fun. I have the wonderful benefit of seeing Merrily’s work up close and personal ! Am a very proud sister ! Barbara

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