
Seedy Saturday at the Creek

Good folk gathered at the Community Hall in Roberts Creek, BC, to celebrate farming and to sell garden seeds and products made from the bounty of the earth. The Sunshine Coast Fibreshed was happy to welcome locals, visitors, friends, Fibreshed folk, and members of the Sunshine Coast Spinners and Weavers Guild to our colourful corner. […]

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LearnAlong—Needle Felting

The Sunshine Coast Fibreshed held its ninth LearnAlong February 23 in the Ravensthread studio of Catherine Nichols in Gibsons, BC. With snow falling, 14 Fibreshed members ventured forth to explore needle felting. Supplies were available from Kim Fenton’s Unwind shop, so everyone had foam, fleece, needles, and creativity. Master felter Ursula Bentz had some of […]

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Fibreshed in BC is catching on!

Exciting things are happening with Fibreshed and our neighbours on Vancouver Island. On the 22nd of January of 2018, CBC news aired a story about a Vancouver Island Fibreshed project named “Move over 100-Mile Diet: Vancouver Island fibre producers launch the 150-Mile wardrobe” and Vancouver Island’s only fibre mill recently re-opened as well. Click on link […]

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