The Sunshine Coast Fibreshed develops and nurtures a regional fibre system based on local fibre, local natural dyes, and local labour, within a culture of soil-to-soil regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices.

Fibreshed LearnAlongs
We host LearnAlongs on the first Saturday of every month, 10 am to noon. In pre-pandemic times we held these in a variety of venues on the Coast, including farms, studios, public libraries, and markets. For the moment, until weather allows us to hold LearnAlongs outside, we are holding these via Zoom. LearnAlongs are open to Fibreshed members only (you can join online; click Join/Renew at the top of this page). LearnAlongs are opportunities for Fibreshed makers and fibre producers to come together to learn from each other. We have and will continue to explore processing, carding, spinning, dyeing, felting, and any other aspect of the Fibreshed movement of your interest. The Fibreshed also has a library and equipment loan program available to its members. You can find the page for this in the Our Community menu at the top of every page of this website.
Fibreshed Events
Connect to local fiber, dyes, & labour
Learn about our local producers: the people who raise fibre animals, who create yarns and textiles, and those who design and fashion unique garments and household items.
Producer Directory
Read stories from our Fibreshed
See what our Fibreshed has been doing to promote sustainable practices among our fibre community.